Friday, 31 January 2014

A little bit of space goes a long way...

Today I took a little bit of space for me.
A chat with a group of lovely friends last night reminded me several things:
I have choices and sometimes the only person making me do what I am doing is me!!!
I can say no! If it feels too much it probably is!
So this morning I am caught off guard coming out of the bathroom at 7.50 by a request from number 1 son. So forgetting all the good advice I jump in with two feet and before I know it he is delivered to gym club at school by 8.10 and I am juggling all the other jobs in order to get the other two to school too ..... my saving grace today was number 2 son wanting to earn money for a reason which remains unclear at this time. He did all three jobs with a smile on his face and a hand out for his pay!
........ after the school run I headed to the  beach with a friend not seen since since October and the pup. We had wind, a lot of wind but it didn't rain yeah! The headache was blown away, resolutions made and plans forged...
.......a day of cleaning has since passed and I am waiting for the kids to arrive back from school with Pop.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Feet and me how I got here!

A change of career pathway in 2011 led me to the Rolle Podiatry Clinic! Fed up of fighting against a system of social care as a health professional; I left! It was a sudden move after a month of wavering during a chat with my Team Leader she accepted my verbal resignation at 11 am ....
... by 2 pm I had designed a flyer and was merrily walking the streets of my local village in search of work as a girl friday! By the end of the day I had secured two clients.... cleaning, gardening and generally getting my hands dirty made a pleasant and restorative change. I carried on for a year picking up more people including my lovely friend Mrs Tott who I still see today (more of life with Mrs Tott another time!).

A friend of mine had recently taken over a small clinic for her podiatry practice and was in search of a cleaner - I volunteered.
At a staff meal my friend and her fellow Pods were talking about how carers often said to them about how they couldn't bare the thought of touching feet  and the pods were in a similar position about other aspects of care...
 I had my light bulb moment... I am not phased by any aspect of what the human body old or small may throw at me and have probably dealt with the worst scenario you can concoct during my time as a nurse.
I found a course, discussed with my friend K and 18 months later, a Diploma in Foot Health under my belt here I am ... and relishing in the opportunities that walk through the door (or me through theirs!) to make peoples feet feel better ...leaving them Walking on Air!!!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The songs inside my head

.... I am a 40 something mother of three, wife to a shepherd, Foot Health Practitioner and charity data processing officer... funny things happen in the tangled world I live in some funny some sad ... some moments I want to save for when they are forgotten as my kids grow and if someone else has a giggle along the way that's all good.....

I love singing .. not especially good at it but even when I am not looking a snippet of a song will enter my head and stick.. my friend Mrs Tott calls them my "hums of Pooh" and often hears me before I do. I know my mum does this and my 5 year old A does too ... A along with her brothers P and D are also my harshest critics. From hands covering the ears to a verbal remonstration the one I want to remember happened sometime around Christmas on the school run. I had a single verse and chorus of a carol in my head and was thoroughly enjoying the moment singing with gusto when there was a little tap on my shoulder... A, who was in the passenger seat simply shook her head and put the radio on.... I was left in no doubt of her opinion... enough was enough.